The Heroes Odyssey Young Adventurers Academy offers an experience for younger players to have their first steps on a LARP adventure. We accommodate players aged 10 to 17 in an inclusive environment development with fun simulated combat and role play as keys to bring to life their game experience. Currently we operate weekly on Thursday nights, 6.30pm till 8.30pm (excluding school holidays). Come along to Beenleigh State High School and join us in the Multipurpose Sports Hall and start your adventures today.
Event Night: Thursday
Time: 6.30pm-8.30pm
Cost: $15 per participant
Age: 10-17 (parents are welcome to drop off their children or stay around to spectate).
Venue: Beenleigh State High School and join us in the Multipurpose Sports Hall, 40 Alamein Street Beenleigh 4207
Contact: Cherish Darby
Email: hoyoungadventurers@gmail.com